Edward Wickwire

Licensed Massage Therapist

A massage practice specializing in restorative structural work and somatic advocacy.

Yes, I’m taking new clients!

I’m contracted with a number of major medical insurance providers including Kaiser, CHP, Pacific Source, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Your plan may allow you to self-refer for massage, or I can bill with a prescription from your chiropractor, MD, ND, DO or PT if your plan covers LMT services.

If you’d like to pursue insurance billing, please include your coverage information at the bottom of your New Client form here.

Automobile and worker’s compensation claims in Oregon and Washington are required to cover licensed massage therapy when prescribed by your chiropractor, MD, ND, DO or PT.

If you’ve been in an auto or work accident, please include your claim information at the bottom of your New Client form here.

Insurance clients are requested to allow 2 days between submitting coverage/claim information and their first appointment. You can schedule your one-hour insurance appointment online here.

Some insurance plans offer their members a discount benefit with in-network providers who aren’t covered under a client’s regular coverage. If you’d like to avail yourself of a plan discount, please make a note of it when you fill out your New Client form here.

Oregon LMT # 8033